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MAGNAT Style Samum

For a "sand blown by the wind" texture

zł 274.96

Price of a set sufficient for 18m of wall assuming coverage of 1 kg per m2

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Opis produktu

MAGNAT Style Samum is an acrylic paint designed for application to interior walls which will result in a "sand blown by the wind" texture. Use of special quartz fillers gives rise to a spatial texture with a non-uniform sheen in two shades of the same colour. The end result depends on the application technique and tool – brush or painting mitt. It establishes a "spilt sand" texture and surfaces with non-uniform sheen.

An inspiring idea to "warm up" interiors – spilt sand effect

Scandinavian style interiors, based on simple solutions and light colours are the talk of the town. However, from time to time they might need a touch of warmth, and the "sand blown by the wind" effect will do just that. It is an excellent way to complete the entire interior decor and to emphasise a selected fragment of that space. The sandy texture will bring to mind pleasant warmth – and not only on cold winter days.


  • Living room
  • Dining room
  • Bedroom
  • Corridor, Hallway
  • Wall
MAGNAT Style Samum is an acrylic paint which will result in a "sand blown by the wind" texture. Use of special quartz fillers gives rise to a spatial texture with a non-uniform sheen in two shades of the same colour. The end result depends on the application technique and tool – brush or painting mitt. It establishes a "spilt sand" texture and surfaces with non-uniform sheen

Zapoznaj się z poradami naszych ekspertów

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