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Magnat Style Venetian Clay

A "brushed plaster" effect textured paint

zł 0

Price of a set sufficient for 20m of wall assuming coverage of 1 kg per m2

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Opis produktu

MAGNAT Style Venetian Clay is a single-coat, "brushed plaster" effect textured acrylic paint. It is recommended for application on interior building walls and architectural elements. Venetian Clay applied to surfaces is an excellent and simple solution for those looking for unusual decorative effects. For a brushed plaster effect.

A method for a contemporary interior decor – brushed plaster effect on walls

Brushed plaster imitation walls are an excellent suggestion for people seeking original, contemporary style solutions. They will go particularly well with black, red brick and contrasting details. This is a method for creating an exceptional home atmosphere. One that was "handmade"!


  • Living room
  • Dining room
  • Bedroom
  • Corridor, Hallway
  • Wall
Magnat Style Venetian Clay is the paint of choice for loft style interiors. In the past mineral plaster, visually reminiscent of Venetian clay were used on interiors of old factories. Cool colours (amethyst, hematite) are ideal for creating industrial type interiors.

Zapoznaj się z poradami naszych ekspertów

  • Cena wykończenia mieszkania za m2 różni się w zależności od standardu wyposażenia i jakości materiałów. Na zdjęciu salon ze ścianą pomalowaną farbą MAGNAT Ceramic w kolorze C77 Biały Granit.


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  • Koszt remontu mieszkania w bloku zależy od rodzaju wybranych materiałów. Na zdjęciu ściana pomalowana farbą MAGNAT Ceramic w kolorze C30 Srebrzysty Granit i C71 Liliowy Aragonit.


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