Magnat Creative
Available packaging
Available colors
- CR white
- CR biały
- CR1 resolute marble
- CR2 delightful agate
- CR3 unique bronzite
- CR4 resolute silicon
- CR5 industrial calcite
- CR6 wilful aventurine
- CR7 expressive onyx
- CR8 innocent white
- CR9 rebellious crystal
- CR10 unruly aragonite
- CR11 joyful jassonite
- CR12 fresh citrine
- CR13 brash amber
- CR14 gutsy agate
- CR15 dirty calcite
- CR16 assertive silicon
- CR17 shrewd morganite
- CR18 phenomenal jassonite
- CR19 intoxicating topaz
- CR20 insane jasper
- CR21 intense carnelian
- CR22 explosive coral
- CR23 seductive ruby
- CR24 white opal
- CR25 tactful diamond
- CR26 impetuous morganite
- CR27 attractive topaz
- CR28 unshakable angelite
- CR29 stubborn tanzanite
- CR30 night sapphire
- CR31 creative amethyst
- CR32 unquestionable white
- CR33 avant-garde crystal
- CR34 surprising quartz
- CR35 cult chalcedon
- CR36 saturated emerald
- CR37 rebellious turquoise
- CR38 ruthless aquamarine
- CR39 sinful onyx
- CR40 desired pyrite
- CR41 spring aventurine
- CR42 uncompromising tourmaline
- CR43 daring malachite
- CR44 phenomenal alexandrite
- CR45 famous peridot
- CR46 restless agate
- CR47 undefined olivine
- CR48 scrumptious opal
- CR49 sparkly hematite
- CR50 ingenious granite
- CR51 creative quartz
- CR52 definitive anthracite
- CR53 exciting calcite
- CR54 inconspicuous agate
- CR55 provocative anthracite
- CR56 urban pyrite
- CR57 prowokujący awenturyn
- CR58 wymagający nefryt
- CR59 efektowny granit
Opis produktu

MAGNAT CREATIVE is a hybrid paint which brings together two properties: resistance to liquid stains (hydrophobic) and resistance to fats (oleophobic). A deep-matt finish emphasises colour depth but also means the paint is anti-reflective. The paint is designed for interior decorative and protective application to cement, lime-cement and gypsum mortars, plasterboard, timber, wood-based and wallpapered walls and ceilings as well as those made out of fibreglass.